Organizing the KonMari Way, With Folding Examples


Marie Kondo: The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up I. LOVE. Marie Kondo. (it’s okay, my husband knows). Marie Kondo makes me want to become a professional organizer. Her books are so inspirational! Especially when you know her journey and what she has done to create her own (tried and true) methods of organization. She has tried everything before figuring out […]

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Healthier Ways To Indulge Your Carb Cravings

Baked Farfalle Pasta with Spinach and Artichoke/

Go Comfort Yourself I have to admit, I am pretty sold on the Paleo way of life. But then there’s REAL life, where sometimes you can’t, or just don’t want to, avoid comfort foods (mac and cheese, anyone?). I do believe when you plan for the splurges, it’s unlikely you’ll destroy your diet, balancing healthy eating with occasional cravings. Superfoods […]

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